We have news... lol as you can probably guess by the picture above our family of 4 will become a family of 5 in December of this year.
We were not expecting this little one to be joining us but welcome the surprise with Joy and look forward to the preparation for His/Her pending arrival.
NJ and EJ dont really understand whats going on with Mummy at the moment they are starting to wonder why I am not letting them sit on my tummy or play rough with me, and I'm sure its got them puzzled why I routinely dash off to the bathroom to throw up as soon as I have finished changing one of their dirty nappies.
so 12 wks 4 days in just 192 days to go till I can start telling this one to vacate its current rooming's, At my scan on Thursday they bumped my dates forward by 3 days which was nice , less time to wait now lol although from my own experience my babies will come when they are ready and nothing I can do will change that lol. So im really not expecting this one out till the 20th of December even though I am technically due on the 6th. They have booked me with a consultant to discuss growth scans for this baby ( however inaccurate they actually are it will be a good chance to see baby again ) since EJ arrived at such an impressive weight.
I would really like a smaller baby this time but not getting my fingers crossed, Big babies have their own benefits with tending to be more settled with eating and sleeping than smaller babies and there is new research out to show that children with a larger birth weight show less signs of adult obesity, at age 7 have a higher IQ on average, Better temperaments and more alert as babies as well as less risk of heart disease in adult life.
also from my own research the labor process tends to be shorter and easier but that might be linked to the fact that women tend to have bigger and bigger babies the more babies they have lol.
Anyway a small part of me feels like I never really had a "newborn" with either of the boys as they were such healthy weights and grew so quickly they were never ittybitty babies and always looked big in my arms the only time they really looked like Newborn babies was when Mike was holding them and thats just because he is so big in comparison to even a 10lb newborn.
Anyway the doctors are right to fear that this baby could easily be over the 11lb mark and according to research. With EJ I showed 5 of the 6 signs exclusive of Gestational diabetes that predispose me to having another Larger baby those signs being
1) not my first child
2)already having had a large (macrosomic ) baby
{ NJ was 25grms below the weight limit guide and EJ was well over}
3)Long pregnancy, ie.. over 40wks average
{ both boys were born after 41wks}
4)Carrying a male child
{ we dont know yet but odds arent in my favor for a girl }
5) Parental Stature
{ well neither Mike or I have lost any height }
6) Excessive weight gain in Pregnancy
{ I hope to avoid this again }.
So It would seem my chances of having a smaller baby are slim as I cant re-have my first child again,
I cant put EJ back in there, It seems women in my family are a big genetically predisposed to having longer pregnancy's although no science has yet proved that this is cause for longer pregnancy's the fact that I have myself made it to 42wks ( if you use my original due date with NJ ) in a prior pregnancy and gone post 41wks with another (EJ was induced so I dont know how long the pregnancy would have otherwise lasted ) then I am more likely to carry past 40 weeks again,
I would have to be carrying a Girl right now ( possible again but it would seem that 51% of the babies born are male not female as once thought, just girls tend to survive better meaning in a population sample of mixed ages then there is a trend towards more females.)and as yet Mike or his Father have yet to produce a Daughter.
Neither Mike or I can loose Height without surgery lol
I can however avoid added weight gain. I didn't gain excess weight In either of my last pregnancy's and with both ended up lighter 2 days post partum than I had been when I learnt I was pregnant which is positive,
It sadly is the weeks after that which see me gain weight lol.
Anyway from what I have researched there Is little to Nothing I can do differently in this pregnancy than in any of the others ( besides making sure the doctors keep an eye on my base iron levels ) so as always I will be trying to eat healthy ( currently on a 40 day fast of all Takeaway/fast food ) and try to fit some gentle exersize in there somewhere with running around after 2 toddlers.
Oh on a seperate subject, EJ is doing very well with his Standing up he will get himself up on his feet in the middle of the room now and stand for some time , he runs with the aid of his walker and climbs on everything just like his big brother so I do expect him to be walking solo in a few days/week or so.
Thats all for now
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