Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Bank Holiday after Bank Holiday

I think Summer is here, 
This month we have had the London Marathon, Easter weekend ( which has 2 bank holidays )and the Royal Wedding ( again 2 bank holidays ) this all 3 wks in a row. It is a bit tiresome having the public transport running Saturday service for an additional 4 days this month. 
we have had proper Summer weather too, clear blue skies and sunshine my lawn is turning very brown very quickly so gonna have to find a way to sort that out.
So Friday is the big day, where the future King of England marries his Queen, its a big deal apparently but it seems like over half the country dont care. 
Coming from outside the UK then i can very much see what the Royals bring to the culture and atmostphere as a tourist visiting London and the rest of the UK. Yes everything they "DO" can be done by others but who would want to? would someone really commit to attending opening after opening for no pay? There seems to be enough problems with getting the policticans we do pay to do their jobs properly so if we were to load them up with other duties as well that were unpaid then we would get nothing done at all for the country.
Even for comedy value alone at what the Prince of Edinburgh comes out with then surely its worth it. I bet the goverment couldnt keep the places and the grounds of them in as good a condition as the royals on the same budget. I think this country would loose an awful lot if the Royals were to go. Whos gonna come see Buckingham palace if the queen didnt live there? the place would be grafettied in under a week

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