Well I am new to Blogger and its exciting , I transfered all my Live Journal posts to my first entry but be careful you have to start at the bottom and read up lol. Things are going well in Lynni's life atm just chewing through the days waiting to get back to good old NZ but that will be a few years in coming since Mike is at Uni here for the time being and I couldn't leave the Kirby family at least not this year because Laetitia still needs someone to look after her till Jane gets home. Today was good at work, this week I have been using the Car to pick up Charlie and Tisha as it is getting colder and darker now we are into winter, The roads aren't as busy as I thought they would be and I'm surprised that the A205 is still usable at school run time as I thought it would be bottle-neck in traffic. I'm gonna go and do some Driving Instructor training so I can have a second job but we need the money clear to do that first and with my Dentist bills that won't be happening very soon at all. anyway I think that's enough for a first post I will come back soon though


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