Monday, 30 April 2012

Sunday 29th April

Twas eve on a Sunday
and they gathered en'mass
found cushions and sofas
and bright coloured pads
armed with their popcorn
fizzy drinks in their hand 
they sat down together to watch one man take a stand

Amazing Grace the movie about Wilburforce Will
the story his triumphant Parlimentary bill
"Abolish the Slave trade" was Williams cry
His fight for the cause almost saw him die
But Victory was His in the end of the day
Slavery is finished in that sense today.

other forms of Slavery have sprouted up since
the slavery of minds of hearts ....
and still they trade people, 
souls brought and sold
dragged from their homelands to work till they're old

My heart sunk yesterday after watching "Amazing Grace" the true story of how William Willborforce with his fellow men of like mind brought a GLOBAL change in the passing of their bill "the slave trade act" of 1807 when I realised they may have " abolished slavery " over 200 years ago but we still have Slavery in various forms in this world we live in.....

Please watch the video link above and buy the single if you have any heart for anybody, Out there is someones mother, someones daughters, somones sisters
How did we let this happen ??????

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