Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Week 14 + 1 day

Pregnancy, what an amazing, magical, wonderful time in a womans life, what a hormonal, crazy, emotional time in a womans life.
Single or as part of a couple there are lots of daily challenges faced as a pregnant woman and to a degree more when you are already a mother and have children to care for.
It is true when they say every pregnancy is different. My pregnancys with the boys were markedly similar with the exception of developing SPD /PGP with EJ which made the simple things like getting out of bed and putting clothes on a monumental challenge let alone doing my shoe laces up! But with the exception of this horrible condition then my Morning Sickness was the same with both boys and my bump developed the same at about the same rate it was almost like I was reliving my previous pregnancy.
But this Pregnancy has been a world apart my all day rushing to throw up was replaced by all day nausea and lack of appetite with only the occasional days where I had to make several trips up to the bathroom to hurl and they were mainly mercifully spaced apart, I have been alot more tired this time and having more trouble sleeping than I remember with the boys, So far my Anemia has stayed under control my base Ferritin Levels remain at a good level which bodes well although I will of course have them checked a few extra times to make sure.
The first 3 months were a bit rough though with unexplained bleeding that lasted quite a few weeks and resulted in an early scan but it all seems to have gotten itself sorted out now which is a relief for me.
Mike seems to think this baby is going to be a girl and I'm not holding my breath as much as I would love a girl im going to wait out patiently till my 20wk scan to find out and be happy with what I find out.

You who are reading this should know we wont be telling anyone what name we pick for our Baby till we annouce the arrival to everyone so there is no point asking me lol you wont get a response , We are undecided if we will disclose the gender of  our baby before its birth also and that decision will have to be made sooner as my scan is in the latter part of July.

My "baby" EJ is growing up hes now finally taken solo steps { even if it was sideways like a crab }and gets closer to full on walking each day now which is of course exciting but sad too because it means hes growing up and needing me less in some ways. Hes recently learned the "No" word and how to apply it when he doesnt want something or doesnt like the sound of my idea lol but with the instalation of "time outs" for both the boys then hes learning quickly that you dont say that word to Mummy.

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