Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Bank Holiday after Bank Holiday

I think Summer is here, 
This month we have had the London Marathon, Easter weekend ( which has 2 bank holidays )and the Royal Wedding ( again 2 bank holidays ) this all 3 wks in a row. It is a bit tiresome having the public transport running Saturday service for an additional 4 days this month. 
we have had proper Summer weather too, clear blue skies and sunshine my lawn is turning very brown very quickly so gonna have to find a way to sort that out.
So Friday is the big day, where the future King of England marries his Queen, its a big deal apparently but it seems like over half the country dont care. 
Coming from outside the UK then i can very much see what the Royals bring to the culture and atmostphere as a tourist visiting London and the rest of the UK. Yes everything they "DO" can be done by others but who would want to? would someone really commit to attending opening after opening for no pay? There seems to be enough problems with getting the policticans we do pay to do their jobs properly so if we were to load them up with other duties as well that were unpaid then we would get nothing done at all for the country.
Even for comedy value alone at what the Prince of Edinburgh comes out with then surely its worth it. I bet the goverment couldnt keep the places and the grounds of them in as good a condition as the royals on the same budget. I think this country would loose an awful lot if the Royals were to go. Whos gonna come see Buckingham palace if the queen didnt live there? the place would be grafettied in under a week

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Little Men

My little men

It hit me with a bang yesterday that I am the Mother to 2 little boys, not that i was under any illusions before then as to their gender but yesterday they started really behaving like little boys.
Putting it simply they went outside to play in the garden ( empty of toys, so if you have childrens toys filling up your garden that you want rid of let me know ) and found some toys to play with, well I say toys but they were really the pots full of planting mix that the previous tenants left behind
anyway shortly after finding them they had emptied the dirt onto my patio and were playing with it, pushing mounds of dirt around with their hands after the obligatory taste test of course..
This ended up with them covered head to toe in dirt, Anyway naptime arrived for Elliott so i picked him up and dusted him down and tucked him up in bed to come back down to find that Nate had collected a variety of toys from the living room plus my brush and shovel and taken them to play in the dirt with him. oh how fun.
anyway I kinda left him to it knowing i could clean up come late afternoon when i  needed to have him inside and that i would put them both through the bath before bed. Shortly later I hear the crash of a pot hitting the patio tiles and breaking, uhoh but oh well pots are replaceable and im trying not to sweat the small stuff in an effort to be a calmer parent.
anyway to cut to the chase I now have a broken planter pot and a pile of potting mix on my patio as i no longer have a pot to refill, and the boys loved playing in the dirt. Im so proud that they get along so well together most of the time

Monday, 4 April 2011

Potty Training

The time has arrived....
Nathaniel has made the choice he doesn't want to wear a nappy anymore, he made it very clear on Saturday when he took off his nappy after doing a poo and ran to the toilet , he did the same thing yesterday except as he was in his room for naptime he couldnt make it to the toilet so we had a mess to clean up thankfully not too much.
He pee'ed on the Potty or Toilet when asked for the last 2 days and took himself to go a few times even trying to empty the potty himself too ( gotta watch out for that one ) He held it till we got home after a trip to the shops on Saturday and pee'ed on the potty
At home we have been letting him run around with a naked bum with the potty out so he can use it when he needs and im trying to keep track of how often etc... to catch what hes doing before needing to go so it makes it easier when we are out and about if I know what I am looking for in the way of cues.

He does seem hesitant to poo on the potty or toilet hes only done it once although he shows a huge aversion to being in a dirty nappy and wants it off right away. I think I have some convincing to do to get him to poop on the potty.

anyway i'll be back with more potty training tales later Im sure as this will take us a few days to get the hang of

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mothers Day 2011

Mothers Day 2011

March 3rd 2011 and I have been a Mother of 2 for 1 year 1week and 1 day, and Mother to my eldest son Nathaniel for 2 years 9 months 1 week and 2 days. and to be completely honest it seems like yesterday that I was telling Michael that it was simply not possible for me to be pregnant and he was wasting his money buying a pregnancy test for me, and yet I was expecting our darling firstborn son and we were extremely excited about it too. Then to find out only a week following Nathaniel's First birthday that we were expecting again this time with Elliott our darling second born who has just a week and a day ago celebrated his First birthday then our joy cannot at the moment be more complete. Im a very proud Mummy to my darling Sons and extremely grateful to have been blessed with them as they are such sweet children even in their more challenging moments they find a way to make me smile.

This morning I woke to Elliott alerting me to the fact he was hungry and wanted nursing and when Mike went to get him from his cot and free'ed Nathaniel then my darling Firstborn came and climbed into our bed and said a very nice "Good morning Mummy" in his happy cheerful way that starts every day off with a smile, Mike had vanished downstairs and reappeared with a box of chocolates and a lovely card that contained Vouchers for different things from the dishes and drying up being done ( obviously to be redeemed using Michaels services not the boys since they cant reach the sink yet) to promises of a period of peace and quiet from the boys and ones for Hugs,Kisses and the like...
Of course on sight of the Chocolates then I had 2 boys trying to convince me to share so I split one between the 2 of them and then played hide and seek in the duvet with Elliott while Nathaniel enlisted Mike's help in his morning routine before Mike taking the boys down to make them breakfast.
I got a chance to check my emails and spend some time at the table with the boys while they waited for their breakfast with Nathaniel periodically getting up on the table to point out the balloons still hanging over the window from Elliott's birthday party last weekend. 

Michael cleaned up the downstairs whilst the boys and I ate all the while monitoring the boys behaviour and helping Nate with his newfound potty skills and the boys have been happily playing both inside and out in the garden for the remainder of the morning so far.

Mothers Day 2011 has been lovely so far and I look forward to see what the rest of the day holds, If the weather continues like it is then a trip to the playground might be in order later this afternoon. For the moment I am going to log off and spend Mothers day with the people who love me most.