Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Online life

Sometimes i think my life online is a bit too much work, trying to be nice , always watching what i say and how i say it, thats why i Love my blog caus its just me its my opinion expressed in my way and if people dont like it then they dont have to read it lol, My Blog is just that is MINE. I use so many parenting forums as well as facebook (which is where i can only imagine the now removed annonymous comment on my last entry came from although who on mine or my Husbands friends lists would say something like that I have no idea) and there is always so much drama over things that people who dont even know each other have said normally in relation to someones veiw on a particular sensitive topic. Theres always gonna be people who do things differently and say things differently and cultural and social protocols that will define us as humans but thats part of the charm and interest that there is in this world. So what if I'm a Married woman at only 25 yrs old? who cares really, Does it really bother people that much that although I breastfeed that my son also gets expressed milk from a bottle, or that even though I try to do the best for the enviroment by reducing waste produced by my household and therefore I cloth nappy one child while using disposibles for the other, is it really so important that people feel the need to slag off my choices and the decisions that my husband and myself make for our family?

I feel like i need a reality check sometimes or to give one to somebody whos being overly concerned about stuff that really will have no impact on their own lives but they just like to stick their nose in. Long and short . Part of who I am is that I say what I think and like everyone Im not perfect about thinking of the impact my words will have but I do try. Yes I use my blog to vent , big whoop wanna fight about it, If it bothers people then they dont have to read my blog its easy.

Next time whoever you were who complained about me complaining, say it loud and proud and show your  face, admit who you are if your going to cast judgment , dont hide in the shadows and be nasty theres just no reason to.


Anonymous said...

Noone commented on your choices, or parenting skills. A comment was made on the fact that in every single post you complain about something.
I am also married, two years younger than you with two year old twins.
However, I don't complain nearly as much as you do!

Sealyn said...

well well, still no face, if indeed what you say is true then well done you must be a saint.... as i said if you dont like it dont read it, i have free speech and if i choose to complain a bit then its my right dont like it go live your life without sticking your nose in mine

Sealyn said...

why do you bother, if you dont like it dont read it , really its no skin off my nose if you dont like what you read.

Helper said...

Dear Anonymous person.

So much time is wasted when you complain about things that have nothing to do with you. The time you spent criticising Lynni's posts could've been spent with the twins.

Think about it. Let Lynni do as she wishes, and deal with it.


Anonymous said...

Anon -as lynn said, if you dont like it why read it, If your a mum yourself you should know that sometimes a little whinge is needed, heck i have a big whinge almost every day.Theres no need to post nasty comments.
Love Tiger

Opinionated said...

I think for a woman to leave her family for the one she loves, move to a new country, start a family, with limited help is more than brave. And to have a toddler than another baby is hard, twins are the same age do things at similar rates, completely different IMO.
Lynni and Mike work hard raising their family and they do a good job. Lynnis blog is for her family on the other side of the world to see how she's doing and to let off steam. I'm sure if you were in their situation Anonymous you wouldn't cope half as well. Don't criticise someone elses ways of doing things when I'm sure you don't really have a clue what is going on.