Friday, 5 July 2013

Preparing for the Summer of Hangi !

Do you know what this is?
It is a Hangi ! A Traditional Maori way of cooking food.

I as a Kiwi Expat in the UK am planning with the help of a Scots friend ( who spent some time in Aoteroa ) to " Put down a Hangi " August Bank Holiday weekend (most likely or the wkd after) of this year 2013 which is the 8th year of life in the UK. I plan to document this event for educational purposes for my children and my readers here. And I am planning to introduce a little bit of Maori culture to the life of my family, so if I use words in upcoming blog posts that you don't understand then I will try to remember to put their English counterparts in a section of the bottom of the post.

In the meanwhile I have to get my Whānau { family } fed and start gathering my Hangi Supplies ready for August.