This last month I have been struggling with my health and that has resulted in the Little ones picking up several bugs themselves so we have had to be creative about keeping occupied to keep the tv veiwing levels down.
A Favorite game for my boys is building a hut/fort using the sofa cushions and blankets and duvets, they absolutely Love to just curl up inside a hut and have Mummy reading them stories. I cant say I blame them its very fun and I used to spend many many hours in huts and forts created by myself and my sisters using a variety of Blankets /sheets and our Bunk beds ( I think the bunks started to beat out the table and chairs for supporting walls when we got too big to all fit comfortably under the dining table with room for special toys or friends )
Another winner for the last month or more has been a big packing box we had laying around from the move up here in Novemeber. That box was a bus/ship/plane and all manner of other vehicles after they had tipped all the toys out of it, it got pushed and pulled soo much it eventually gave way in the corners and ripped beyond repair. Now I might have to unpack some more things for them to get another box lol.
As I hinted at earlier then my boys love having books and stories read to them and we have worked our way through a large portion of our book collection some of the favorites being read a few times of course in the last few weeks, I have a Long Long list of my favorite childhood books saved on Amazon to buy for the boys in years to come, the stories I remember my Dad sitting and reading to me on the beanbag in the corner of the living room with us all trying to pile in his lap.
We have been trying to study Space as well as do Handwriting, Phonics and Math with Nate and EJ has been watching along joining in with things, We are planned to be building space rockets tomorrow out of spare cardboard I have been putting aside for a few weeks from stuff that has come into the house in boxed up form.
Of course the Trainset has been well used in the last few weeks by all the boys even little AJ whos not so little anymore has been making himself heard in picking out his favourite train and pieces and annoying his brothers plenty with swiping sections of much needed track to wonder off with.
I thought with 200+ pieces of track and trains and trees that we had enough not to cause fights between the boys but I was obviously wrong and we seem to need more somehow. I do need a new storage solution for the trainset it overtook and eventually broke my large lidded bucket and currently is being stored in a Banana Box in the corner of the living room but all the other toys are getting piled there too so I need a better containment device for it.
Suggestions anyone...?