Wednesday, 30 March 2011

cutie bootie baby

Ok I Promised a blog on cloth nappys and here it is 

Cloth Bums, the why,how and wherefore's of it.

Ok to start at the very begining, 
My first introduction to Cloth nappies was through my Mother she choose to use Terry Cloth Flat Nappies as pictured below and PINS 

Thankfully these are no longer in regular use today due to the invention of MCN/MCD's Modern Cloth Nappies/Diapers.
Above is a selection of my "Stash" as we term it in the mysterious world of cloth Mama's who make, buy and sell, New and used nappies through internet forums and online shops.
This isnt a complete picture of my stash by any means its not even a very current picture of what I own as to get a complete stash picture they all have to be clean which means the baby needs to be wearing a "sposie" or disposible nappy otherwise you are missing at least the one the baby is wearing unless you include him/her in the picture too lol.

Cloth Nappies are a world away from what our Mothers ( if your over 25 like me you probably wore cloth nappies at some point ) and Grandmothers used on us, Gone are the days of soaking the nappies in big buckets or tubs and scrubbing to get stains out, stabbing yourself with the pins you fasten them with etc... its really very different, im going to chart how a normal day goes for me with EJ in Cloth Nappies so you can see what I mean.

Get up and change nappy putting clean nappy on, If night nappy is dirty ( poo ) rinse dirty part either using shower head into bucket or toilet ( we have a shower head you can take off the wall on a hose ) or hold in toilet and flush ( the flush does remove most of it ) wring out most of the water ( if clean skip to here ) and put in the lidded nappy pail under the sink,
Go about the day breakfast etc... playtime
3-4 hrs on and its Naptime so we head upstairs collecting a clean nappy from the storage box in the hallway where i keep the clean ones and Change Ej's bum again, repeating the steps from the first nappy change to deal with nappy after ive tucked him into bed.
after Naptime its Lunchtime then post lunch we get another nappy change following the same routine as before. 
another change 3-4hrs later post dinner into a night time nappy and we are done for the day.
If its wash day then i would then bring the nappy pail down from the bathroom and put the nappies into the machine, set a rinse cycle and leave it to do its thing, after the rinse i add 1/4 the normal amount of powder to the drawer and wash at 40degrees on the standard cycle and then as it finishes i stick it on another rinse cycle to make sure all the detergant is out of the nappies then they get hung up to dry overnight. 

All my pocket nappies will dry overnight as will the cotton prefolds that I use to boost them , Night time nappies and any bamboo or hemp inserts take a day and a night normally to dry hung on my airer in the living room an on a nice morning i'll put anything not quite dry outside on the patio for a nice bit of sun bleaching.

To make things easier on myself i use fleece liners in all my nappies so when EJ does poo then i only normally have to rinse the liner , overall I get 65% less leaks from cloth than i do from disposables and about 85% less instances of bum rash ( which EJ is prone to get when teething ) I vary rarely get stains on the nappies and when i do the sun is normally enough to bleach the stains out , even in cloudy old England. and it saves us about £30 a month on disposable nappies for EJ which is well worth it for us.

Not convinced, just google image search cloth nappies and have a look at the bright colors and cute prints, find out the facts about cloth nappies like they are 1 degree cooler for a baby than a disposable, and if ive still not convinced you then try wearing plastic or paper pants for the day and see how much you enjoy it then go back to your normal pants and see how much more you enjoy wearing something soft and breathable.

Ladies theres more to come im going to review CSP's and diva/mooncups soon so keep tuned
in the meantime I must go and put my wee EJ into another one of his funky Cute soft cloth nappies

Go on try it..... Use the coment box and contact me for more info 

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

mothering boys

Sometimes it can be hard work mothering 2 active cheeky boys but the payoffs are huge when they come around.
Today for example started with tears and tantrums as soon as Mike left for work but soon turned into fits of giggles on the floor as the boys tickled each other till they were nearly in tears.
Then as we spoke to my parents via skype they rubbed their honey toast into their hair and the carpet and played with all the nosiest of toys and banged on the piano before asking endlessly to watch Chuggington on BBC-Iplayer.
After EJ went to bed for his nap then Nate decided to keep making huge amounts of noise to see if he could wake his brother back up and pulled both trainsets out and spread them all over the living room so i couldnt so much as stand up without standing on something, only for him to tackle me and try to tickle me and make me laugh.
its never long till things change and the mood swings good or bad in this house it sure is very very entertaining and i wouldnt miss a moment of it no matter if that be stressful or calm.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Birthday Party time

This time last year I had just received a call from the MW telling me to be at the hospital for 9pm to be induced and i was having semi regular early labor contractions anyway so was busy packing my bag and organizing and texting Mike to let him know the news.

Its Elliott Jason Odendaal's First Birthday tomorrow, Im so excited for him that hes 1 year old lol much more excited than he is thats for sure. I should be really wrapping his presents i guess but blogging is so much more fun esp when the boys arent even asleep upstairs yet and probably wont sleep for their entire naptime lol typical that I would have the kids who cant both go to bed awake at the same time hehe. Theres tons of stuff I still need to do before tomorrow including icing the cake but ive not got alot of motivation right now after already re-arranging my living room. it will happen just got to wait till Mike is home lol

Friday, 18 March 2011

Countdown begins

Time really does fly... My baby is going to be one in 8 days time Im struggling to grasp how that can be as it doesnt seem like a year ago that i was at the MW's office begging her to induce me as i was already overdue. So much has happend in the last year but so little has changed in my head.
anyway im not going to ramble on i have a house to clean and party to prepare for

Monday, 14 March 2011

Home at last

Our holiday has come to an end, It was fantastic getting to see my family again and to get to meet my nephew and welcome a new brother into the family, it was also great to see my bestie friend again ,meet her husband and her darling son and get to spend time with them, also got to meet another natural mumma who i know via a website and we got to go visit and meet in person which is awesome.
Lots happend during our holiday and it is nice to be home with usable running water and my own bed , so here are some photos of the trip
Rakaia River Gorge
Mike and Mum
Monkey at Willowbank
Francinne and Karl
Phil and Ruth
Dad, Elliott, Lydia, Joel and Ruth

O'Callaghan/Van't Wout Wedding

Back now from our Holiday and just thought id upload a little Collage I made of some of the Photos taken at my sisters wedding,
Im in the top left corner with blonde hair, in the photo below is Lydia ( the younger one ) my youngest sister and Lauren who is one of my sisters good friends, across from her holding the puppy is Hannah who is Ruths Best Friend and Maid of Honor, and above her pictured with myself again is my Older sister Tanya we were cold waiting for the boys to stop messing about lol,
and of course central to the Collage is Ruth the lovely bride who looked fantastic and stunning as always
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