Well time has ticked by and I am a married woman now :O scary i know it has taken awhile to get used to it but with it nearly having been 2 weeks now it is getting more normal. its easier to wear my engagement ring now caus my wedding ring keeps it on my finger lol.
I am trying to organise a party for couples and another for singles between now and summer so we get to see our friends agian but it isnt working as well as I had hoped it would so i guess we will end up having to have people over in groups of 4-5 at a time to make it happen.
I also am working on the budget and things so we get a decent amount of good food around so we are buying less and less takeaways over the next few months.
mike has gotten the xbox through the post now and he is always playing every chance he can im happy though that he didnt manage to get in any time with it this morning so we got to spend some time together since we both have been rather busy this week and have found it hard to get quality face to face time with each other around work and uni etc.....
thats all for now but i should mangage to get this updated more often now lol